Posts tagged Theater Games
A Search for Community: Neva Boyd, Viola Spolin, Paul Sills and the Origins of Improvisational Theater in America: Keynote Speech at AIN 2019
Aretha Sills, Events, Paul Sills, Viola Spolin, Sills/Spolin Theater Work, VideosAretha SillsViola Spolin, Paul Sills, Applied Improvisation Network, Jane Addams, Hull House, Neva Boyd, Aretha Sills, American Theatre, American Theater, chicago theatre, Theater Games, Theater History
Spolin Improvisation Workshops at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum in Chicago
Workshops, Sills/Spolin Theater Work, Viola SpolinAretha SillsViola Spolin, Theater Games, Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Jane Addams, Chicago theatre, Chicago theate, chicago theater, Chicago improv, Paul Sills, Chicago history, Neva Boyd
New Workshops Winter and Spring 2019
Aretha Sills, Viola Spolin, WorkshopsAretha SillsViola Spolin, Improvisation for Writers, Improv workshops, improvisational theater workshops, Improv Los Angeles, Improvisation Los Angeles, Improvisation, Improvisation for the theater, Aretha Sills, Bay Area Theatre, Bay Area Workshop, Bay Area Improv Workshop, Theater Games, Theater training, Theatre Bay Area, Paul Sills
Aretha Sills, WorkshopsAretha SillsWriters Workshop Los Angeles, Los Angeles Theatre, Los Angeles Workshops, Improvisation for the theater, Improvisation, Improvisation for Writers, Theater Games, Viola Spolin, Bay Area Workshop, Bay Area Theatre, Bay Area Improv Workshop, Theatre Bay Area, Improv Los Angeles, Improv workshops
Announcing Our New Youth Theater Program in Los Angeles!
Workshops, Viola Spolin, Aretha Sills, Youth Theater ClassesAretha SillsViola Spolin, Theater Games, Youth Classes Los Angeles, Theater training, Children's Theatre Los Angeles, Kids classes LA, Improvisation for kids, improv for kids, Acting Workshops Los Angeles, Childrens acting class, Play, Youth theater program, Youth theater classes, LAthtr
Fall 2017: Weekend Spolin Improvisation Intensives in the Bay Area and Seattle in November!
WorkshopsAretha SillsViola Spolin, Improv workshops, Los Angeles Workshops, Improv Los Angeles, Theater Games, Bay Area Workshop, Bay Area Theatre, Bay Area Improv Workshop, Seattle workshops, Seattle improv, Seattle theatre, Unexpected Productions, Unexpected Improv, Seattle Improvisation
Playing "New York" in Stockholm!
Aretha Sills, Sills/Spolin Theater Work, Outreach, Viola Spolin, WorkshopsAretha SillsViola Spolin, Sills/Spolin Theater Works Outreach, Aretha Sills, International Improvisation Workshops, Improvisation for the Theater, Improvisation in Sweden, Stockholm International School, Theater Games
Support Sills/Spolin Theater Works: Our First Year-End Fund Drive!
Coming January, 2016: Theater Game Workshop in Los Angeles