“In any art form we seek the experience of going beyond what we already know.”
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improvisation for the theater
Viola Spolin's improvisational techniques changed the very nature and practice of modern theater. The first two editions of Improvisation for the Theater sold more than 100,000 copies and inspired actors, directors, teachers, and writers in theater, television, film. These techniques have also influenced the fields of education, mental health, social work, and psychology.
"Her book is the bible." -Rob Reiner
"It's like basic research ... she [has] changed the theater for generations." -Alan Alda
"She has genius and shares it." -Valerie Harper
Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director's Handbook
Theater Games for Rehearsal: A Director’s Handbook is a practical application of Viola Spolin’s famous method that guides directors and their companies step-by-step through all phases of the rehearsal period. Spolin shows in easy-to-follow detail how her techniques can be used for a variety of theater situations, ranging from selecting plays or material to be performed, casting, and building a harmonious company to warming up actors, creating stage space, and overcoming opening night jitters.
Updated with Spolin's wished-for changes and a new foreword by Rob Reiner.
Theater Games for the Lone Actor offers theater games and side coaching for the solo player. This handbook presents more than forty exercises that allow actors to side coach themselves at home, in rehearsal, or in performance.
Theater Games For the Classroom
This best-selling book by Viola Spolin offers the most comprehensive theater instruction for all types of students, from small children to young adults. It includes over 130 theater games, plus exercises and instructional strategies. First developed by Spolin, the originator of modern improvisational theater techniques, these games have been tried and tested for over fifty years.
Theater Game File
In the Theater Game File, Spolin creates a special selection of theater games, presented on separate cards in a convenient file box as self-contained classroom workshops. With the Theater Game File, teachers and students alike, with no prior training or theater experience, can play theater games in the classroom with benefit to all.