Shakespeare & Spolin Week with Los Angeles Drama Club for Ages 7-14
July 15 – 19
9 am to 3 pm
Catch One – 4067 Pico Blvd, LA 90019
LADC, the country’s youngest Shakespeare troup, has always used Viola Spolin’s Theater Games as one of the foundations of the way they approach Shakespeare. Sills/Spolin Theater Work’s Aretha Sills will join the wonderful educator/directors at LADC for a week of Shakespeare and theater games. Ms. Sills is the granddaughter of Viola Spolin. She studied Spolin’s improvisational theater games for many years with her father, legendary director Paul Sills, creator/director of The Second City and Story Theater. Players will be introduced to a series of games and exercises designed to unleash creativity through spontaneity, focus, and play. They will have a chance to develop the sensory awareness and communication skills needed on-stage and in daily life in an encouraging and joyful environment.
For 2nd through 8th grade (Fall 2019)

FREE Spolin improvisation workshop at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
Aretha Sills will lead a FREE Spolin improvisation workshop at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum in Chicago on June 21st at 9am. Improvise where it all began! Breakfast included! Learn more and register at hullhousemuseum.org